December 9

Learning from Mistakes

5 potential setbacks

  1. making the product as eco-friendly and safe as possible when placed in water
  2. working out the inner functions of the product
  3. advertising effectively
  4. product placement
  5. sales are not as successful


3 other ideas connected to my passion

  1. filter for bath water
  2. a tube that connects to a large amount of water that might be wasted to something that needs the water like plants.
  3. water filter for day to day use
December 3

Marketing plans

Product – My product should be light weighted but still have realistic proportions. It should be presented around stores either on a display or even have the advertisement playing in the store that is providing the product.

Price – My product would be sold at a price of about 40-50 dollars because I would like my product to be on the high end of quality.

Position – I intend my product to be in the higher end of the market because as I mentioned earlier the product is going to be produced with high quality and the functions of the product is rather advanced.

Promotion – I will promote my product mostly by advertising on social media and television.

November 25

Shouting Cleverly

Identify your target audience. Who is likely to buy your product/service?

I would say that my target audience is for an older audience.

What is your communication objective? How do you evoke the purchase decision? Is it through awareness, knowledge, liking or preference?

my communication objective is to create something that will inform people, suggested older people, and giving them more knowledge about the product before contemplating about buying the product to give them a clearer understanding of the uses and the impact that the product can give.

Design your message. Is it a rational, emotional or moral message? Is it a combination of all three?

My message will mostly be a rational and emotional message, informing you about the impact that the product can have to you, which would be emotional and what benefits the product can give and what impact it can do to the environment around you.

Choose the media. Will you use social media, traditional advertising or word of mouth?

I would use social media and traditional advertising because social media has become a big platform for advertising and the majority of the population of our world uses social media and technology. I will also be using traditional advertising because the product is targeted for older audiences and older people watch television quite a lot and buy products from there.

Message Source. Who will be the face of your communication: you or a celebrity?  

my source of communication will be myself because the target audience is older people and I assume that older people are not quite familiar with celebrities this generation and it would not make a difference for them.

November 18


3 potential brand names

e-pebble, rocky temper, pequa

1 I chose and why

I chose e-pebble because it displayed the idea of being eco-friendly to the environment and it says what the product is itself, unlike the other names which don’t show any of the things I have just said.


Advertisement (poster)i&e poster-2l664he

November 14

My Mission and Vision

My mission is to give people the best experience of a long and relaxing bath without the inconvenience of cold water.


My vision is that the stones are sensor-fitted heat-radiating artificial stones that maintain the water temperature for a set duration. So, from start to finish you can have the same water temperature.

November 14

My Thing

When you are in the bath for a long period of time, the cycle of water turning from comfortably warm to tepid to cold is frustrating. On rare occasions, I drain out some cold water and refilling with the warm water. Warm On pebbles look to resolve this problem innovatively. The pebbles are sensor-fitted heat-radiating artificial stones that maintain the water temperature for a set duration. So from start to finish, you can have the same water temperature without any guilt.

October 29

Skills and attributes entrepreneurs need to be successful

What are the skills and attributes entrepreneurs need to be successful?

  • Creative Thinking 

Entrepreneurs are known for thinking outside of the box.  Creative thinking can take a smart, capable business owner to another level of success. In cover letters and interviews, entrepreneurs emphasize this skill to show potential employers that they see connections and possibilities where others do not.

  • Leadership 

Entrepreneurs often have an evangelistic quality. They have great ideas and are skilled at getting buy-in from investors and employees.

  • Risk Taking 

Entrepreneurs often seem more comfortable with risk than other business leaders. It can lead to tremendous failures, but also stunning successes. Entrepreneurs are willing to live without a steady paycheck and make short-term sacrifices for a long-term payoff. That said, the risks that entrepreneurs take are calculated, and aren’t simply done for the thrill.

  •  Strong Work Ethic

Being an entrepreneur may seem flashy and exciting. But a lot of hard work and long hours are required to launch something new. To be successful, entrepreneurs must execute. You’ll often hear stories of entrepreneurs who begin their workday well before sunrise or send middle-of-the-night emails. Entrepreneurs are relentless when it comes to completing projects and following through on the work required to turn ideas and plans into sellable products.